On Walking the Walk

walkImage courtesy of google


Sometimes life throws a curve-ball…a challenge to help you learn a karmic lesson, or a super-huge wake up call that you have outgrown your caterpillar state and must begin ascenscion.  We can meet these curve-balls in two ways…with fear or with love.

When we meet any situation with fear, we are collapsing into our egos and allowing all the lower vibrational emotions to take hold.  The situation degenerates into a childish tit for tat, or even worse eye for an eye state and the challenge spirals downward until the GAME OVER sign flashes.  Thank you for playing the game but we failed this time.

The marvel of karma and I think the intrinsic appeal of video games, is that the challenge does not go away simply because we failed. It keeps coming back, over and over, until we wake up and decide to try something new…LOVE.

Love requres that we meet the challenge with honesty and authenticity.  We look within and recognise those lessons to be learned in ourselves that triggered the challenge to manifest.  Like soulmates, these life challenges are mirrors of opportunity; catalysts to change our patterns of behaviour, vibration and concommitant reality.  Meeting challenges with love, trust and perseverance raises us above the trials and tribulations; clears the way and sets us on the upward spiral of our soul journey.

Each time we choose love and walk the walk in faith and trust, we exponentially alter the past, present and future into a Golden Realm of Heaven on Earth.

So persevere and walk the walk of Love for it is the ultimate answer.

Rise Higher and Shine Brighter on your journeys ❤

LOVE is the way

Martha ❤ xx

Live the Rainbow


You are not alone ❤ You are love, life and indescribable beauty. You are a kaleidescope of colours and the architect of your truth. The key to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow…is to BE the rainbow. Shine your truth of love and beauty and transmute into gold ❤

Rise Higher Shine Brighter

Love loves love ❤

Martha xx

Rise in Love

rise in love

Love is the highest expression of our divinity in humanity. It is the state to which we aspire…our highest purpose, our highest calling, our highest good.  So RISE in Love…true love inspires us to become the best versions of ourselves…it is not a weakness.  It is the strongest truth in the universe. So aspire, ascend and RISE in love with love ❤

Rise higher and shine brighter

In love with you all ❤

Martha xx

Peace and Love

breathe peace

Peace and Love beautiful friends ❤ Those are conscious choices you can make in every thought, word and deed. So today I am grounding in peace and love and sending those vibrations out into the world. We are the catalysts of heaven on earth, we are the tranquility of the mountain glade, the magnificence of the lion and the soaring flight of the eagle. Choose peace and love and be the light of your truest Self ❤

Rise higher shine brighter

All the love to you ❤

Martha ❤ xx


celestial fireworks

Shine your truth and light today. Be aware of the air moving on your skin, the light of the sun warming your face and drink in the sights and smells. Rejoice that you have a life to live and above all love! Love tenderly, fiercely and with every atom of your being. We are stars whose physical bodies will fade all too quickly, but whose love and light will forever burn.

Rise higher and shine brighter than ever before

My love for you is infinite ❤

Martha xx

In the Eyes of Lovers

Star childI call her Star Child by Giovani Zanolino ❤


‘In the eyes of lovers, everything is beautiful.’ Every tiny thing becomes a point of focus, awe and wonder…we are transmuted instantly into artists.  My mantra today is ‘I see through the eyes of love’ as I sit and breathe to welcome in the new day. Take time to stop and see this gorgeous place we call Earth, its tiniest miracle expressed in every cell of you. To love and share that love is to connect yourself to everything, everyone and the universal Love and consciousness. So slow down and take that time to truly see…the beauty that is inherent in all things and in you ❤

Rise higher and shine brighter through the eyes of love

Love, love and LOVE

Martha ❤ xx

What you seek

what you seekImage courtesy of google


We get that which we concentrate upon.  That is why it is so important to be love and kindness…in order that we manifest those experiencees that are for our highest good, highest purpose and highest Love.  So dream big and visualise all of your heart’s true desires and they are surely yours.  Love is seeking you as certainly as you are longing for it, but the key is not to get caught up in the longing.  That is the experience you will have and not the love you wish. Be the love and love will find you ❤  Divine Magic happens  when fire loves water 🙂

Rise higher and shine brighter on your quest

Love, love and LOVE

Martha ❤ xx

Rise in love

close rumiImage courtesy of twinflame1111.com


Today is about gratitude and love for me. I have so many things for which to be thankful, so I am counting my blessings. As gratitude washes over me, so then does Love, for the one is the gateway to the other. So in closing my eyes in silent meditation or prayer, I am surrendering to the humility of thankfulness and finding the good in my every circumstance. As I do so, I open the channels for more of my good to flow in…more love, more gratitude, more abundance, more health.  This is Rising in Love and the key to ‘staying there’.

So giving thanks for all the miracles of my friends, loves and soulmates and sending you all so very, very much love ❤

Rise higher and shine brighter in thankfulness

Sooo much love

Martha ❤ xx