Mintakan Star Seed


I am a Mintakan star seed and as such need a connection with crystal clear oceans and water.  They feed my soul ❤ I got asked what a star seed was yesterday and I will do my best to explain. Inside each and every one of us is the spark of our Divine Essence, our soul which connects us to the One. Our souls like our bodies are born of the One and remain the same though placed into our bodies each incarnation.

Our soul seeds can be born in many differing places and realities than this current one that we call the here and now on Earth. This is why in every known belief system to humankind, the afterlife always embraces a journey back to the stars.

My own soul was born on the third planet in Orion’s Belt known as Mintaka or Artuvia. We make up a large soul group here on Earth. We are Light Workers and have not been enslaved to the Dark at any point.  We are searchers of Truth and Love.

To know your soul origin, you can sit and meditate and receive the information from the Akashic Records, but this does require a certain degree of enlightenment to be able to so do. Or there are many websites devoted to the topic if it interests you, and my advice there is read and go with your intuition. You will resonate with some or one description to a high degree. Equally, our souls have lived in other places and spaces in the universe, so these places also can leave an imprint on our soul journey and karma. So you may resonate with more than one star seed type.

So why is it important to know any of this? Well, as we ascend and transform into our Higher expressions of ourselves, we activate dormant cords of DNA.  We as humans have 12 strands of DNA, 10 of which are sleeping or are categorised as ‘junk’ DNA by scientists. These dormant strands are linked to our soul evolution. They are the ‘other’ within us and become activated as we ascend into purer forms of Light. We are literally assimilating our alien DNA into our human bodies to become ONE with our original Divine blueprint. So, if you have ever felt ‘other’ and not of this world, or have had difficulty feeling connected to others, then chances are your soul is a star seed, longing to return to its place of origin and connectedness.

For Mintakans this longing is acute, but sadly we may never return on this plain as Artuvia no longer physically exists. The star light is the remnant of a planet that is no more. So embracing and connecting with my humanity has become my goal.

So, back to the gorgeous image of the sea and its importance to nurturing my stranded soul 🙂 I like to take time and breathe to these images and feel the joy of my first incarnations spent on a delightful blue water planet with twin suns ❤

Rise higher and shine brighter with the people and things that make your soul sing, beautiful souls!

So much love for you!

Martha ❤

56 thoughts on “Mintakan Star Seed

  1. Hey sister Mintakian 🙂 Thank you for showing up in my search..was yearning to find a fellow Mintakian.

    Sending you an ocean of love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hello Soul Sisters & Brothers! I so resonate with what you said about Mintakans. Love & Light to all of you & everyone here on Earth, our new ‘Home’ 😊💜🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful site here. Today I learned my soul origin is Mintakan. I googled that, not knowing much and landed here first 🙂 Big smile to see the water and feeling like I’m in the right place. I am laughing because my website has such a similar look and feel. Have a peek, you’ll see what I mean! Xo, Sarah

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have been searching for other Mintakans for so long. So great to finally find I am not stranded alone. Much love, much light, and much peace to all! Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ❤ ❤ <3!

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  6. I am also a Mintakan Star Seed. Thank you for sharing as i am always searching for my tribe my place in this world .. love and light x

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I just found out that I am from Mintaka yesterday. It explains my longing of going back home, and it saddens me to know that it is no longer inhabitable. I would love to remember my life on Mintaka and to meet more people like me as I continue on my soul journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am also a starseed. I am fairly newly awakened. I do connect with Mintakans and have memories of my life and incarnations there. As well as Sirius. And many incarnations on earth. Now I’m trying to learn to access my Akashic Records on my own. Any tips? I do meditate often and would really like some help or direction . Any links you may have and want to share ? Thabks in advance. Namaste.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Shauna
      Keep working on your Inner work and awakening, Rise ever higher and shine brighter ❤ Mintaka has been restored in the 5D so keep working with your memories and recollections of your lifetimes there to clear your ancestral Karma and reconnect with the planet rebirthed ❤ Namaste ❤


    • Some Mintakians went from Artuvia after the unmentionable happened 2 the planet – 2 Sirius!! 🌞💖🌞🐙

      Liked by 1 person

  9. blueishanimal

    Hi there! I realize this is an older post, so I’m not sure it will be met with a reply or even seen – but I just wanted to thank you for sharing! I just recently discovered that I originated from Mintaka as well, and this page came through my research. It was so incredibly catarthic to discover my origins: I was flooded with intense memories and emotions, I couldn’t stop crying. So many of my dreams, of my feelings through this lifetime made sense of all of a sudden.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am always pleased to connect with Souls who have shared this particular incarnation experience ❤ Know Thyself was always the motto at the altar of the Oracle of Delphi and I am deLighted that another peace of your puzzle has slotted into place ❤ Love and Light to you!


  10. Hi sister Mintakan💜❤💜.
    I found out a while ago that I AM Mintakan from Akashic records. When I found out I couldn’t find much info. I AM trying to rise my frequency daily, to find my mission and restore my gifts. I AM so fortunate that my path crossed some amazing and special people. For which I AM very gratefull for all teachings and healings I received. Thank you very much on your info Martha. I hope there is more we can find out and what is our mission. If we brake the quarantene here on Earth I hope we can return to restored Mintaka in 5D and this is my last earth life. 💜❤💜Love&Light💜❤💜

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mintaka has been completely restored and I am so deLighted to connect with others who have shared an incarnation there 🙂 The deLight and Joy in knowing that many can choose to return to a physical manifestation there is a triumph indeed ❤ The Halls of Amenti are open and the 8th Dimenesional StarGate on Mintaka is fully functional…finally opening the Higher Dimensions as possibility. We are no longer imprisoned in the lower density experiences. Much Love and Light to you on your Hero's Journey ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hello, I am also Mintakan! I always wondered why I would stare at Orion with such longing, even as a child! Now I know! So much of this resonates with me! It is nice to connect with others. I too hope this is my last incarnation on earth.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. An intuitive friend led me here. We share similar gifts. And she revealed to me that I am a Mintakan Star Seed- I’ve had dreams lately of a ‘calling home’ …breathing freely, effortlessly, in deep water, descending (and ascending) into a realm of beautiful star seeds deep in the ocean… I can’t explain what I see and feel to others. It also brings on a heavy desire to withdraw and go deeper, traditional connections in romance are definitely hard for me- but now I understand why….So, Gratitude to you….for holding space for me and others connected to you-to remember and call forth the joy of ‘home’.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Martha I have recently discovered I am from Mintaka. Thank you for posting this beautiful piece. It fills my heart with joy to know there are others out there. I would very much like the opportunity to connect with you and others. Is there a forum that you are aware of that I can join and reunite with my soul family? I tried connecting with you on FB but see that you have taken sabbatical from that platform.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank You Martha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hello my brothers and sisters! I just found out today that I am Mintakan from an akashic record reading. I’ve always loved the ocean and dreamt of water and I’ve stared up at Orion since I was a little girl, I always felt an affinity. It fills me with such joy and gratitude to know all this and connect with you. So much makes sense now! My soul family, I love you all!!! If we can come home then I’ll be there just as soon as I can. I feel that I’ve had enough of earth, I really love a lot of people and animals here but I long for ‘home’..even more now 🙂 Much gratitude and love to you Martha!
    I love you all so very much!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. 💓✨ love and light sistar 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Martha,

    Greetings from a fellow Mintakan! Your article here was so encouraging and helpful. I am doing the same, making myself home here on planet earth but I would be lying if I said I don’t long for our watery world we once called home. Especially since I live far from the ocean! At least I live here in Minnesota covered by 10,000 lakes so I will be thankful!

    Thanks again Martha and sweet travels! 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so happy you resonated with this experience! ♥️ Love and Light to you!


    • Hello Martha

      Thank you so much for sharing this information as I just discovered yesterday that I am a Mintakan Starseed through a soul profile reading. Researching today about Mintaka has been so fulfilling and I have felt such a connection with the information I have found and your writings have been the best read so far and I am very greatful for your work.

      Love and light to you and fellow Mintakan family

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dearest Yowzuk welcome! ❤

        Thank you for your hard work and for finding your way here! I am deLighted it resonates with you and wish you Love and Blessings upon your journey!


      • Thank you Yowzuk and welcome to this time and space! ❤ I am deLighted you resonated with my writing and wish you Love and endless blessings upon your journey towards your Truth ❤


  18. Intuitive.lightworker


    All this resonates a lot with, since I was a child I use to love mermaids and as an adult I can’t find my place In any of the tres countries i’ve lived. I also feel atracted to live near of the ocean and the clear waters.

    I would to know how did you find you were a Starseed from Mintaka.

    Best regards.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Thank you Martha. I too have just found out that I have come from Mintakan this morning. I will search other sites for more information. I have never met anyone like me and looking for anyone to connect with on this planet. If anyone else feels they would benefit from connecting on this physical level, please connect with me.
    loving thoughts to all of you

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Welcome lovely Juliet! I am deLighted to connect with you and can assure you that we are many ♥️ Live and Love,


  21. Chantel Morrissette

    Hi Martha
    I am also a starseed from Mintaken.
    I would like to connect with more of our tribe of lightworkers so that we can coordinate or amplify the healing we are here to share with earth.
    What are your ideas about this?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Chantel ❤ My thoughts on this are that this would be wonderfully supportive for those Light Workers doing the healing…but also that healing itself is enough when we heal ourselves. Every act of kindness and compassion for self has an exponential effect upon the well-being of All because we are One. So bearing that in mind, we are of our own selves enough 🙂


  22. Thank you so much Martha!! Really a blessing!!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hi! Martha, Thank you so much for sharing your experience as a Mintakan, I have been intuitively pulled to the mintakan soul journey in my awakening path. Wishing light and love through yours too! 🌟💗


  24. this is beautiful.. i feel this is my home planet too. i feel deeply connected to it and have had feelings come through. i feel so much sadness and grief when i first read about it and started crying… 😦
    it explains so much about me if this is true..

    thanks for sharing xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so pleased that you resonate as a Mintakan Starseed ♥️ It is important to remember and process this incarnation as a step to reclaiming lost Soul Fragments and attaining wholeness and balance 🌈 Each one of us healing is a step towards Mintaka reclaimed. So much love and encouragement to you as you embark on this process ♥️


  25. Thank you for this! Just found out I might be a Mintakan starseed yesterday as it resonated with me so deeply! And the way you explained it with the DNA and everything else i just received a confirmation! Thanks again and nice to meet you!

    Love and light,

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Hello, Martha! I understand you. I have the same feelings and memories. I also from Artuvia. I send you a lot of love!

    Liked by 1 person

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